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2004 年,那不勒斯市议会召集国际知名建筑师们为新落成的都市线设计一座新地铁车站。
In 2004 the Naples City Council gathered several internationally recognized architects with the aim of designing a new underground train station for the recent built-up city metropolitan line.
那不勒斯新商务区站坐落于丹下健三于1970 年代设计的系列塔楼和平台建筑群的核心位置。此区域规划由平直的正交网格主导,与毗邻地带缺乏对话和联系。现有公共空间僵硬且人工化,绿色在这里更像是一种装饰元素,而不是自然环境的一部分。EMBT 的提案致力于在火山土和20世纪70年代丹下健三的城市规划之间创建一种新的关联。
The project of the new underground station ‘Centro Direzionale’ in Naples is located in the heart of the complex of towers and platforms designed by Kenzo Tange in the 1970s. The area is dominated by a very rigid system of orthogonal lines, which does not in any way reflect or communicate with the adjacent part of town. The existing public spaces appear hard and artificial, and the colour green has more of a decorative nature than an environmental one. The proposal of EMBT aims at creating a new correlation between the volcanic soil and the urban plan designed by Kenzo Tange during the 70s.
20 世纪70 年代的城市规划既过时又缺乏特色,它与那不勒斯的城市脉络和历史街区之间无论从物质上还是文化上都是割裂的,对这一问题的关注成为方案设计的关键因素。我们的方案试图打破僵硬性,在旧城、步行平台和新车站之间建立柔性关联,通过人群的流动创造一个更加可持续的且更人性化的公共空间。
The key element of the project envisions the rupture of physical and cultural obstacles between the obsolete and anonymous latest 70s urban planning and the city context and historical plan. Our project wants to break thisrigidity, creating softer connections between the old part of town, the pedestrian platform of the CDN and the new station, and allowing the flow of people to generate a more sustainable, more human-scale public space.
地铁站方案意欲塑造一个新的地景,通过一些叠加的层次将人工化的表面转换为新的复合型水平向构造。通过对这类强化的同质化表面干预,EMBT 创造了能够将历史和当今城市发展相联系的公共空间,城市的地质特征和城市的生命活力得以保留和重视。
The underground station project has the purpose to create a new topography characterized by a series of overlaid surfaces transforming the artificial surface into a new complex horizontal tectonic structure. Through the creation of such radical intervention within a manly homogenous surface, EMBT aims at creating a public space which is able to communicate with the history and the present development of the city whose geological character and the city life dynamism should be preserved and emphasized.
The station’s great roof creates shaded resting areas at the level of the square, a square which is presently hardly usable during the hot spring and summer days of Naples, as it is completely exposed to the sun. Green areas are an important element of the project, and they are expressed in a continuous system along the pathway pedestrians follow from the city to the inside of the station. On a perceptive level, this green also softens the large artificial surfaces of the Centro Direzionale.The used materials derive from Neapolitan tradition: Volcanic stone is used for the pavement and ceramic for the roof finish. Both are typical local materials.
Architects: Benedetta Tagliabue–Miralles Tagliabue EMBT
Project Director: Joan Callís
Design Coordinator: Valentina Nicol Noris
Design Team: Eugenio Cirulli, Marco Orecchia, Gabriela Degetau, Sofia Barberena, Andrea Morandi, Alessandra Deidda, Cecilia Bertozzi, Mirko Silvestri, Joanna Karatzas, Gabriele Rotelli, Guile Amadeu, Lucien Puech,Valeria Alfonsi, Michela Cicuto, Francesca Martinelli, Guido Bigolin, Maira Carillo, Jan Kokol, Andrè Temporelli, Ludwig Godefroy, Shavleg Chichishvili, Gordon Tannhausen, Marco
Orecchia, Giulia Viola, Federico Volpi, Teymour Benet, Luis Angello Coarite Asencio, Antonio Rusconi, Davide Mergoni,
Francesco Rota, Gregorius Budhijanto, Juan Manuel Peña Sanz, Marco dal Fabbro, Marina Pérez Primo, Raphael Teixeira Libonati, Stefano Spotti, Andrea Morandi, Silvia Sonnati, Carlo Consalvo, Philip Lemanski, Marianna Mincarelli.
Location: Naples, Italy
Date: 2005 – In progress
Client: Metropolitana di Napoli
Area: 10000 sqm
Cost: 20.000.000 €
Structural Engineer: MC2 – Julio Martínez Calzón.
Photos: Paolo Fassoli
/ 项目图纸 /
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